Sustainability & ESG

At Aurora we have our eyes set to the horizon, focusing on how decisions made today will impact tomorrow.

There are four areas our attention is particularly directed towards: Energy Transition, ESG, Carbon Management  & Corporate Social Responsibility.

Energy Transition 

The Just Transition movement refers to the global energy sector’s shift from fossil-based systems of energy production and consumption, to renewable energy sources such as wind and solar whilst ensuring a fairer, greener future for all.

Aurora is a renewables services company, so this movement is at the core of everything we do, we want to support our clients on their journey to a more sustainable future while at the same time ensuring that our internal practices allow perpetual progress towards the just energy transition.

Given, oil and gas will continue to be required as sources of energy for many years to come,  we also believe in assisting customers working within this industry to seek out innovative and effective, sustainable solutions wherever possible across the hydrocarbon lifecycle. As we believe each step in the right direction is worth supporting.

Our ISO14001 accreditation will form the baseline of our contribution to a Just Transition toward Net Zero. We understand that being a business in the Renewables/Sustainability sphere we must ‘Walk the Walk’ in terms of our Net Zero and Environmental ambitions. 

Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)

We believe that real progress in Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) and transition concerns comes not from isolated policies or a standalone ESG team; but from an overall philosophy that is “baked-in” to day-to-day business processes and corporate culture. 

To Aurora, environmental management is a strategic goal, not a box ticking gesture. As such, the way the business is operated is the way we will ensure we contribute to lowered CO2 emissions and increased environmental preservation. We have divided our environmental strategy into 3 key components:  Culture, Action, and Innovation.

ESG POlicy

Carbon Management Plan

At Aurora we feel that a critical part of our responsibility in being a modern organisation is to positively manage our Carbon Footprint and proactively improve that aspect of our business.

Climate change is one of the most pressing problems facing our world today, and the planet needs a rapid transition to net zero. To meet the goals of the Paris‎ Agreement, we believe society must take decisive and communal action. 

Our intended net zero commitment is to reduce our emissions by 50% by 2030. We are in the process of conducting a business wide carbon audit in order to quantify this commitment and we will issue details on our carbon management plan by Q4 2023. 

Corporate Social Responsibility 

Aurora is dedicated to giving back to our communities and the areas where we operate by: 

  • Utilising local resources, providing training and development opportunities which are accessible to locals and stimulating economic activity and the local supply chain wherever possible. 

  • Encouraging engagement with our local communities and supporting appropriate community projects and charities that align within our Corporate Social Responsibility policy.

  • Promoting engagement with our local communities and lending support to deserving non-profit initiatives and community projects that fall within our corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy.

Aurora logo with white text

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